Horror Portals Wiki

Isabella is a major character of Horror Portals serving as the central character (later false antagonist) of Happy Birthday Isabella, one of the main protagonists of Jolly's Carnival, and a posthumous major character in Holmes' Hospital.


Isabella is a teenage girl who is currently living with her Dad and Kate, her stepmother. It is unknown where or what happened to her biological mother. Isabella has a bad relationship with her Dad and her stepmother.

Happy Birthday Isabella[]

You celebrate your friend, Isabella's, 16th birthday. Things take a turn for the worse when Isabella's step-mom, Kate comes in. After an argument breaks out between her and her dad Cooper, she runs away with her best friend Amber. During the night, Amber returns and reports that Isabella has gone missing. Cooper is angry and shocked at the news.

Post Log Hunt/First Chase Scene

After being attacked by a person in a rabbit mask, the surviving players talk to Cooper, who says she might be at the pond. If you arrive within the time limit, you see a doll version Isabella and take her to the campsite. Cooper claims she is Isabella, while Amber says she isn’t. Kate suggests everyone should sleep it off, now presenting the option of staying in Amber’s tent or the one with the doll.

If you sleep with the doll, you will be jump-scared and killed. If you sleep with Amber, you wake up to a scream,

After the Tent Scene

Amber and the Isabella doll are missing, bloody foot prints leading somewhere. The dad insists on going to the pond to find the now missing Isabella doll, while Kate says that they should follow the foot prints.

If you check the pond out, you get jump-scared

The foot prints lead to a red house. Once the timer runs out, you, Kate, and any other players that went to the house go inside, where Isabella and Amber revealed they pranked you. Then the killer that was in the first chase scene reveals themself. The man, Lapine, asks why we are in the house, before saying that "You wont be leaving ALIVE anyway" and presses a button, dropping the players into his basement.

Kate, Amber, and Isabella avoid the fall. It is unknown what they do while the players are in the basement.

No Escape - Normal Ending

After the final chase, and running to the campsite/roads WITHOUT getting the gas canister, the cutscene that shows is the car shutting down and you are stuck in the forest. Lapine ends up killing you.

Happy Birthday Isabella - Tea Party Ending

After the final chase and running to the house, the cutscene that shows open with “Later that day” before it shows Lapine who asks, "Are you enjoying the tea party? I sure am, with your company. We will have tons of tea parties for the rest of our lives... Isabella." The camera shows Lapine having a tea party with the Isabella doll.

New Acquaintances - Pond Ending

After running back to the pond, the cutscene opens with “Later that day”. Lapine, now holding the Isabella doll, says "Looks like they didnt take you after all... Isabella. HE owns your body now."

This ending takes place before the Tea Party ending.

Home Sweet Home! - Secret Ending.

After running to the campsite/roads WITH the gas canister, the cutscene shows Kate, Cooper, and Isabella sitting in one of the cars. Kate says "Lets go to the carnival next week to forget about this incident." Cooper says "Never do anything reckless like that again." Isabella, her text box name now showing as ??? says, "I won't." Her face glitches and becomes doll like before finishing. “Father."

Jolly's Carnival[]

A week after her 16th birthday, if found in the Home Sweet Home ending, her parents talked about taking her to a carnival to forget the incident of her birthday a week after the event of Happy Birthday Isabella. Before, Josh bought a board that indicates if there is a spirit on the room by moving the hollow circle to either the word 'YES' or 'NO'. After failed to indicate, everyone left the room, except that Isabella was in that room. Then, the Hollow circle moved with flashing lights until it reaches perfectly the word 'YES', then Isabella turns her face to the players to show her creepy doll face.

After arriving at the carnival, Kate (Isabella's step-mother) told Isabella and her friends to explore and enjoy the carnival, and when they want to be picked up, they just need to call her using her number. After the timer runs out, Isabella and Josh bring along Timmy and the players to go in the circus tent, to watch the clowns. The players then will be placed in a random seat area, while the lights went out. The lights go in again and then stood the ringmaster, he announced himself as Jolly. He introduced the performing crew, Frederick the 'Fire breathing' clown, and Tiffany, the 'Tightrope Specialist'. When he announced Tiffany, Tiffany suddenly looked unbalanced, most likely to fall down, and the lights flicker out. When the player came conscious of what happened, they inspect Tiffany's body. She was dead by the looks, and Timmy told the players to look up. There on the ceiling was a clown, creepy, and has many tentacles on it. 

After the player was conscious, they did a series of tasks to move forward.

In a part, Isabella was in her creepy state, when she appeared, the players had thought she was dead already, then the players have to run, then click a green spot to hide. Isabella then keeps moving forward, as if she was not coming for you.

Lawful Lapine - Uncommon Ending

To get this ending, when the tentacle clown monster chases you, keep running forward, and then in a halt where there are three ways, go to the right Obby. There will appear a cut scene where Lapine said that 'HE' got him and Jolly messed up. He apologizes to Isabella, saying that a queen like her does not deserve this, then said 'Let's get you back to your body'.

Holmes' Hospital[]

Although Isabella does not really appear in the story, Isabella appeared at one of the endings and was talked about in the doll storage room.

At the room where dolls made of human flesh were kept, there was one empty container with the name 'Isabella' labeled on it. It means that whoever made the dolls must have hunted for Isabella, but has not got her or failed.

A cutscene appears, showing the Rabbit Rebellion leader (later revealed to be Lapine) talking about Hope Holmes. The camera pans to other rabbit rebellion members as Lapine tells them about the players entering the hospital. The camera stops at the other end of the table, showing a person wearing a purple rabbit mask (later revealed to be Isabella) next to the container with the Isabella doll.

Rabbit Rebellion - Isabella ending

After defeating Holmes, DO NOT inspect his body, instead, there will appear a square shape and a ladder near the edge. Go down that ladder and keep going down the stairs until you reached the reception floor, just below the first floor.

You will receive a cut scene where Lapine explained that the effect of the medicine is very painful, as the soul in its body, leaves the body. Instead, it entangled itself in a doll, which in the dolls that were made of flesh. As he says that they must steal the antidote recipe to save her friends, she removes her mask, showing that it is indeed, Isabella.

In that case, Isabella's position of Protagonist or Antagonist may have a twist, as seen that she looked like one of the monsters in Jolly's carnival. And at Holmes Hospital she wanted to save her friends.


  • Aside from Holmes and Lapine, Isabella is the only person who appears in all 3 Horror Portals
  • Isabella's doll is gone from the collection of dolls in Holme's Hospital
  • Isabella is also a skin of another game made by the same devs called Guesty as the legendary skin for skin crate 2 (they used her JC look).
  • Her doll jumpscare (found in HBI) was used in another roblox game, piggy which is slowed down and used for the Teacher skin.
  • Some players and fans see her eye color as a midnight blue while others see her eye color as a dark purple.
  • Some fans who saw the secret alt. ending of Holmes Hospital suspect her biological mom to be Nora as Nora's eye color and hair color is similar to Isabella's hair and eye color.
  • She hates her step mother.